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Anyone angry over Dunamis’ 100,000 capacity Glory Dome is a ‘witch’ – Enenche Comedian




By Enenche Enenche (Comedian)

I would like to start this with the words of Abraham Lincoln in his inaugural address in 1861: “Though passion may have strained, but it must not break our bond of affection”.

No matter how passion may have strained, no living being who have plied airport road Abuja can deny an affectionate and glorious dome that is defining the physical landscape of the Body of Christ worldwide ?.

An altar came alive, the largest of its kind in the whole world not too far from a runway, where bro Paul and sister Rebecca were once seen walking out of a tarmac in their early days in Abuja as young medical doctors.

They left medical theatre equipped with a vision that was conceived on a rocky mountain of Jos, vision to restore lost human glory and destinies, this vision has been made flesh and flourishing on and off the shores of Nigeria today.

The world’s attention is on Airport road, watching a Glory Dome where the spirit man of many would be fed and the zeal and passion of many to answer that great call: “Go ye into the world and preach the gospel” would be energized and catalyzed.

Like his namesake in the Bible who got thirty- nine lashes five times, shipwrecked three times and beaten with rod three times for the gospel, he has also demonstrated focus, courage and resilience in the eyes of many storms.

He has demonstrated how submission should be, we saw this in his relationship with his spiritual father, countless times he answers the calls of humanity in need. His love and respect for life pushed him far to break the vocal cord of “decorum” when his voice echoed from an altar at Area 1 where he constantly wake the conscience of state from slumber.

Many criticize him that his cry was becoming too temperamental for diplomacy. But they refuse to understand that he is not a man of pretense, he doesn’t know how to pretend. You don’t need to go far to know his stand or stance on any issue… Love for his country always push him that far.

Today, we drop our differences to shame the devil, to appreciate God and His grace on his life and his ministry.

He has given so much to humanity and posterity would forever be grateful to him.

Refusing to celebrate that giant stride at Airport road Abuja, is a sure way to call you a witch. Being angry at people’s success or try to disdain other man’s effort, is a sign of witchcraft.

On the occasion of the dedication of Glory Dome, Airport road Abuja, I stand to celebrate God’s faithfulness, thank our father in faith, Dr Paul Enenche, appreciate Dr (Mrs) Becky Enenche and salute the entire leadership and membership Dunamis International Gospel Centre Worldwide for standing by the vision.

May God give you result that would humble your adversaries.

Happy celebrations Dunamis!

Enenche Enenche
Abuja, Nigeria ??