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2023: What I will do to northern region if elected – Peter Obi



The presidential candidate of the Labour Party (LP), Peter Obi, has told the north that his government would give the region a premium place in his agenda because the wealth of the nation is in the region.

Obi, who titled his remarks, ‘The unmet Needs of the North’, told the Arewa Joint Committee Interactive Session at the Arewa House Auditorium, Kaduna, that the region is strategic to the development plans of Obi-Datti administration if elected.

“We shall pay as much attention to the development of the North as to the development of all other parts of the country; but with much greater emphasis on the development of the Agricultural resources. The North remains where the biggest and sustainable wealth of this great Nation lies.”

The LP candidate said that they intend to aggressively pursue policies, programmes and projects to enhance the productivity and competitiveness of all the sectors of the Nigerian economy.

“And will in particular do the following in the North; offer immediate and decisive long-lasting and permanent-effect resolution of all security challenges in the North; Ensure that farmers return to all farmlands for the 2023 farming Season. We will make Nigeria’s arable land in the North her new oil and gold.

“And as part of our Marshall Plan for Education, we will foster Federal intervention in education at all levels in the North and partnership with state governments and international organisations in order to improve access to affordable and quality education at all levels; Ensure very adequate representation in government, equitable appointments especially in the security and economic sectors; incentivise the resuscitation of the moribund cotton and textile industries; and full exploration of the cattle economy value chain, notably the $75 billion global hide and skin economy.