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Health benefits of ikpalo (air potato)



Dioscorea bulbifera commonly known as the air potato or air yam is a species of true yam in the yam family, Dioscoreaceae. The plant is native to Tropical Africa, Southern Asia, Maldives, and Northern Australia. In Myanmar, it is found in Chin, Kachin, Mandalay, Mon, Sagaing, and Shan.

It is extensively cultivated and has become naturalized in many regions (Latin America, the West Indies, the Southeastern United States, and various oceanic islands).

It is also known as the up-yam in Nigerian Pidgin English, since the plant is cultivated more for its bulbils than for its tubers.

Name air potato refers to the numerous bulbils (potato-like tubers) that grow on the stem and hang in the air.

Popular common names of the plant include Aerial yam, Bitter yam, Cheeky yam, Potato yam, Wild yam, parsnip yam, Bulbil-bearing yam, Hoi, Malacca yam, yam and otaheite yam.

Air Potato produces several axillary tubers but these can occasionally weigh several pounds. These are edible and potato like in flavor. Root tubers are usually absent or insignificant.

This plant was introduced to the United States as a potential food crop but quickly escaped cultivation. It is considered extremely invasive in Florida and other parts of the Southeast where it smothers native flora.

It has also been reported as escaping cultivation in parts of the Midwest.

Health benefits of Air Potato

Listed below are some of the well-known health benefits of Air Potato

1. Skin Disorders

Powdered form of air potato has been traditionally used for treating different skin conditions. You can apply it topically to relieve blisters and boils.

2. Treat Different Eye Disorders

Air potato has been consumed to help cure or prevent different kinds of eye ailments like conjunctivitis. Conjunctivitis or pink eye is the inflammation of the outermost layer of the white part of your eye as well as the inner surface of your eyelids.

3. Contains Antioxidants

Apparently, air potato is rich in flavonoids and isoflavonoids which can be sources of antioxidants. Though there have been mentions that flavonoids are poorly absorbed in your body, it could be insignificant when it comes to antioxidant activity. Still, this is something to look into more.

4. Treat Respiratory Disorders

Air potato has been used as a home remedy to treat or cure some respiratory disorders. It is good for treating asthma, coughs, and tonsillitis.

5. Good for Heart

Eating air potato can do different things to your body that can lead to a healthier heart. First, it seems to be able to decrease your blood cholesterol levels. Another thing is that it is also able to help regulate your blood pressure. Normal levels of cholesterol and blood pressure can both help in keeping your heart healthy and reducing the risk of different kinds of heart diseases.

6. Anti-inflammatory Qualities

Air potato has been found to have anti-inflammatory activity. This can be very helpful for different conditions like swelling caused by injuries as well as arthritis.

7. Good for Digestive System

Consuming air potato can help improve or keep your digestive system healthy and away from some common digestive disorders. It should be helpful in regulating your stool movement thus avoiding conditions like constipation and diarrhea.

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