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Operation Delta Safe troops destroy illegal refining site



In a recent operation on August 23, 2023, the troops of Operation Delta Safe executed a successful mission by dismantling an illicit refinery site situated in the vicinity of Ogbokoko and Atu within the Warri South Local Government Area of Delta State.

The operation was conducted as part of the troops’ relentless efforts to combat oil theft activities across the South-South region. As per a statement released on Thursday by Brigadier General Onyema Nwachukwu, the Director of Army Public Relations, the military personnel engaged in the operation demolished eight active furnaces utilized for the unauthorized processing of stolen crude oil. Additionally, they neutralized 14 storage containers containing an estimated 200,000 liters of pilfered crude oil, along with 90,000 liters of locally refined automotive gas oil.

Upon the troops’ advance, the individuals involved in the illegal operation swiftly fled the scene. The illegal refining site was then incapacitated on-site, adhering to the established protocols of Operation Delta Safe. An ongoing investigation aims to apprehend the culprits who managed to escape.

Brigadier General Nwachukwu reiterated that the eradication of the unlawful refinery site was executed in accordance with the prevailing guidelines of Operation Delta Safe. The Nigerian Army encourages the general public to promptly report any suspected instances of sabotage or criminal activities to the relevant security agencies.

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