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Details of what President Buhari told Nigerian soldiers about war against boko Haram



President Muhammadu Buhari has told soldiers that the war against Boko Haram is a “must win”.

Buhari said this on Wednesday, while delivering the keynote address at the 2018 edition of the the Chief of Army staff Annual conference (COAS) in Maiduguri, Borno State.

He also promised that his government would do everything within its powers to support the army, disclosing that he is making efforts to improve the entitlements of soldiers.

“I must commend the leadership of the Nigerian army in moving the venue of this conference to Maiduguri.

“Our officers and soldiers who are fighting terrorism in the north-east deserve all the attention our country’s leadership can demonstrate to them.

“As president of the country, I am determined to ensure that every citizen feels safe and secure in all parts of the country.

“I am of course aware that in the recent months and in the recent days, there have been some operational losses in the northern part of Borno state.

“I know that you are doing your best to reverse this trend and I want to assure you that no effort will be spared in providing the necessary support you require to complete the task. we remain committed to ending the crisis in the north east and making the entire area safe for all. I urge you all to keep up the good work.

“It is a must win war. I want to encourage our troops not to be distracted but remain focused and committed to the task of eliminating Boko Haram from the surface of the earth.

“I want to assure you, that as your commander in chief, I will do everything within my power to continue empowering you by providing all the necessary equipment for you to prevail on the field.

“I also want you to be aware that I am currently looking at measures to improve your entitlements and welfare generally.

“I therefore wish to reiterate that leaders of all strata of our society including the armed forces must embrace the wind of change that is blowing across the country for good,” Buhari said.

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