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Pastor Abel Damina: A drowning man clutching at a straw



By Ameh Comrade Godwin
The journey of ministry, as it is with life generally, is not embarked upon in isolation; there are travel companions and road pointers.

God’s servant, my father in the Lord, Dr Pastor Paul Enenche has a rare privilege of being blessed with the impacts and influences of generational mantles and trailblazers like Pastor E.A. Adeboye, Morris Cerullo, Reinhard Bonnke, Pastor W.F. Kumuyi, and his spiritual father, Bishop David Oyedepo, amongsts others in life and ministry.

These are renowned and reverred servants of God and fathers of faith with proven track records, unquestionable integrity and unmistakable global impacts.

However, as it is with life, there are those people meet in ministry whose conducts and practices teach them how not to do certain things.

As a son and ardent follower of Dr Pastor Paul Enenche, I know his spiritual pedigree. The story of his spiritual journey from the earliest days right up to his call to ministry is not hidden from anyone.

And his results and impacts in ministry speak well of his connectivity to his spiritual family tree and genealogy.

With the above-mentioned antecedents, Pastor Damina’s claim to be the source of the vision that sponsored the Dunamis Ministry can be best described as either hallucinatory or relevance-seeking.

We all know that likes beget likes. Elephants give birth to elephants, and goats give birth to goats. The practices and results of Pastor Damina and Dr Pastor Paul Enenche speak volumes of differences. There is no genetic compatibility at all.

A quick look at the results and impacts of their separate ministries can give you this submission if Pastor Damina’s claims were to be held as true: it means he pointed Pastor Paul Enenche the right way in Ministry and pointed himself the wrong way.

How possible? If you cannot imagine this possibility then it won’t be difficult for you to dismiss his fallacious claims.

The sheer incompatibility of their spiritual genetics and manifestations attests to the falsity of Pastor Damina’s hallucinatory claims.
It takes a man who is suffering from certain psychiatric conditions like delusion of grandeur to make such bogus claims.

Having fallen away from the faith Pastor Damina is desperately seeking relevance by trying to be cunningly associated with people who are doing the right thing in Ministry. He is a drowning man who is desperately clutching at a straw to survive.

Instead of making needed amends in order to come out of his swirling pool of heresy, he has resorted to an attention-seeking spree by arrogating to himself undeserved glories. But unfortunately for him, the difference between light and darkness is clear.

Pastor Damina should continue in his misguided, fallacious, heretic and apostate doctrines and leave well-meaning, forthright and genuine men of God alone.

If he is envying their results and impacts, (of course he is) he should repent of his dubiety, apostacy and heresy, seek forgiveness from God and start doing ministry the right way.

For the records, I wish to admonish the general public to disregard as misguided, hallucinatory and fallacious, all the claims made by Pastor Damina in that crappy video.

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