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Abel Damina instructed I and Joshua Talena to lie that he ordained Dr Paul Enenche – Odola



My attention has been drawn to the videos where Rev. Joshua Talena and I purportedly claimed that Dr. Abel ordained Dr. Paul Enenche. Having been involved in their lives and ministry since 1988, I know what they know, and we know what we know. It was a contrivance by us, championed by Dr. Abel, to project and sustain the narrative that he ordained Dr. Enenche, with the intent to perpetually tie Dr. Enenche to Dr. Abel’s ministerial apron. Joshua Talena and I were instructed to enforce it at every given opportunity to embarrass Dr. Paul’s association with Bishop David Oyedepo and undermine Dr. Paul Enenche’s significant ministerial impact and achievements.

I have been under perpetual pressure to release a picture from the 1996 ministers’ conference where Dr. Paul was in attendance during his brief association with us. As you can see on my page, on the 25th of July, Dr. Abel called me and was mocking, encouraging me to bring out the picture, publish it, and reinforce that false ordination claim and narrative. He suggested that Dr. Paul’s claim of being different from us should be dismissed.

I do not intend to engage in issues with Dr. Abel or Joshua Talena. However, if either of them directly denies this assertion, I will release the voice note from the 25th of July where Dr. Damina was mockingly persuading me to undermine Dr. Paul by reinforcing that false ordination narrative. I will not respond to bloggers but will address direct refutations by Dr. Damina.

Tired of the false narrative and my involvement in this unholy alliance, I have chosen to set the record straight to save the ‘church’ from the insanity of this false claim. I don’t think Dr. Abel needs this false claim to validate his religious status or the global impact of Dr. Paul Enenche to authenticate his spiritual authority. The ministerial achievements and global impact of Dr. Enenche do not reflect Dr. Abel’s pattern and style of ministry. Honor should be given to whom honor is due. Such a significant ministerial impact can only be associated with the likes of Bishop Oyedepo. Dr. Paul’s brief association is not a reason to lay claims. If I hear a pin again… nobody should blame my next outburst.

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