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The AIT and colonial mentality (Opinion)



By: Yusuf Shehu Usman

The AIT has no program on its Democracy Tonight. It is demeaning itself comparing the Easter messages between the Presidents of Ghana and Nigeria..
The purpose or objective is nothing more than mischief, wailing and melancholy.
Ghanians chose their president so did Nigerians not on the basis of Easter or any other religious celeberations.

No matter what campaign of columny or negative propaganda the AIT runs against Buhari our president, they can’t change the overwhelming support Buhari has garnered among the Nigerian people in the past four years.

It has been the trade mark of the AIT since 2014 to run down Buhari as a person and from 2015 as a president.

The AIT has not relented in its diatribe even in 2019 but it all came to no avail as Buhari’s popularity continues to soar.
If the AIT as a media house is not oblivious of the barometer of public opinion, it would have dawned on it that it is on a futile mission.

If the station is so obsessed with Ghanian affairs , it can relocate its operations to Ghana so that it may have full latitude to praise sing or bootlick the Ghanian government or curt its favours
No matter how the AIT blackmails Buhari, they are only speaking into the ears of wailers like them.

The station has so demeaned itself by its bigotry and unprofessional lopsidedness that it does not command respect from Nigerians working for peace and unity of the nation.

I think the AIT is only on a mission to amuse itself to the annoyance of fair minded and objective Nigerians.

The AIT should know that the development, progress and prosperity of a nation is not measured by the eloquence of its president in a foreign or colonial language or what he expresses in speech in such language.
The business of democracy is a serious business of substance, conviction and patriotism.

The French President does not address any audience in English language, the Chinese, Russian, Japenese, German, Korean, do not and will not address any international audience in the English language even though some of them have ph D in English
The AIT is only projecting the interest of inferiority complex and colonial mentality by judging the Nigerian government on the proficiency or eloquence in the English language and even shamelessly comparing our president with the president of a sister ex colony (Ghana) purely on the craft of the delivery of their Easter addresses in the English language.

I think if the AIT has nothing to do, it should not do it in our air waves.

The AIT is not only on bitter opposition but its on a subversive mission to blow the embers of ethnicity, religion, region and disunity in Nigeria.

Its a pity and a huge shame that the pioneer private television station in Nigeria has failed to rise above negative sentiments, primordial considerations, cheap and negative propaganda, black mail, innuendo and has taken the pleasure and liberty to degenerate into character assassination or defamation of character.

To me the AIT has only succeeded in polarising instead of unifying Nigeria. It is unpatriotic to the extreme for a media station to curve for itself the infamy of an agent of destabilisation they way the AIT has consistently done for decades of its operations in the Nigerian air space.

I end with the words of the reggae inspirational singer Bob Nesta Marley
” Free your self from mental slavery. None but ourselves can free our minds”
It is an appropriate message for the AIT to take home.

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