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Peace Corps of Nigeria: The power of vision and personality



Permanence, perseverance and persistence in spite of all obstacles, discouragements and impossibilities: It is this, that in all things distinguishes the strong soul from the weak these are the words of Thomas Carlyle.

World over, the emergence of true leaders is through the impact of their vision, actions and words, these undoubtedly must come under the test of opposition and trials especially when the vision of such a leader confronts and existing abnormalities.

For instance Nelson Mandela’s incarceration was due to his stance against subjugation of the black race, he fought so hard for the freedom of his people, he was also fought by the people and system that held down his people eventually he triumphed over his oppressors and even at death the victory of his vision is celebrated today.

One can readily and without doubt appreciate the personalities of Kwame Nkruma, Thomas Sankara Martin Luther King (jnr) not because they accumulated wealth to their names but because of the people oriented vision they had.

For instance, Martin Luther King Struggled for equality of race in USA even when he could be quiet and fare better than other blacks, infact he announced that he may not get to the promise land with them but he didn’t give up the struggle.

A critical examination of these leaders shows that they are persistence, passionate and uncompromising.

In recent times the most discussed issue in Nigeria is that of insecurity largely orchestrated by unemployment and mutual distrust among the people that make up the federation. In response to this a dynamic and pro youth leader Amb. Dickson Akoh initiated and nurtured a youth based organization which aims at providing job opportunities, platform for volunteerism, national intergration and peace building. As expected of every great man and Vision, Dickson Akoh and Peace Corps were greeted by opposition and confrontation of systems and individuals.

Just like Mandela, Dickson was incarcerated not behind bars but was prevented from carry out his vision for Nigerian youths, the refusal of the president to sign Peace Corp bill, the clamp down by the police and other challenges we’re enough to discourage an average human being from pushing further but no! Dickson Akoh and his team kept on with the fight.

Recently an order was given and obeyed leading to the unsealing of the corporate headquarters of the organization in Abuja, what this means is that the organization has regained it’s freedom to operate as an NGO while anticipating greater light even as the national assembly is on the bill to have it established as a government agency.

The story of Peace Corp is a testament of passionate commitment and persistence that is required for success. It is not surprising to see even those who gave up on the vision are having their hope revived.

It is important to commend the the Attorney General of the Federation and Inspector General of Police for respecting the rule of law. A keen observation will show that since the unsealing of the office The corp has been gaining grounds with government agencies expressing readiness for partnership what this means is that the youths will eventually smile.

It is the expectations of every right thing in Nigerian that soonest Peace Corp will become a government agency. In all this Amb. Dickson Akoh had succeeded in writing his name in gold as a strong advocate of youth empowerment, peace and nation building.

Comr. Alfred Omakwu Oketa.

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