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Idoma monarch places curse on cultists, criminals



The Executive Chairman of Otukpo Local Government, Rt. Hon. George Alli, on Friday October 30th, 2020 convened an emergency security meeting, following reported incidents of violence in parts of Otukpo on Thursday 29th October, 2020.

Hon. Alli told the gathering that he call for the meeting due to the disturbing reports of vandalization of properties of individuals in Otukpo by persons known to belong to same association. Hon. Alli wondered why people will take the law into their own hands when aggrieved when law enforcement agents are on ground.

The Chairman said, “I called for this meeting because I am disturbed by the report of the incidents which took place yesterday. But before I go on I will hear from you and see what our Royal Fathers have to say”.

Reacting to the development after listening to the feuding parties, His Royal Highness, the Oche’Otukpo Odu, Chief. Dr. John Eimonye, chided the youths and told them to shun all forms of vices and engage themselves in meaningful ventures that will benefit them, their family and the society at large.

He said, “As your father and the traditional ruler of the Otukpo people, I am pained by the trouble you have caused other people, including your parents. This must stop immediately. I hereby place a curse on any Otukpo son or daughter of this land who enages in any act of criminality, including cultism in Otukpo. May the gods of our land deal with such person”.

The Otukpo Council Boss, Hon. Alli, after listening to the feauding parties, told the gathering that the Otukpo LG Council will not fold its hand to watch people breach the current peace of the land.

“I have listened to all your submissions. As a father and your leader I will advise all of you to shun all forms of violence like our father had said. I also demand of you, a total commitment to peace in the interest of all. Why should you take laws into your hands when the Police are there”?

“From this moment going forward, I want an undertaking from you. Anybody who breaches the peace of this town under any guise will have himself to blame. The security agencies will bring the weight of the law on anyone found wanting”, Alli further said.

The meeting had in attendance the Vice Chairman of Otukpo LG, Hon. Bako Ejeh; The Secretary to the Council, Hon. Barr. Oyaje Egwa, the Otukpo LG Security Adviser, Hon. Igoche Ajaka; the Chief of Staff to the Local Government Chairman, Hon. Adama Awulegbe: Traditional rulers and ward Heads.

Others are: the DPO, Nigerian Police, Otukpo Division; The Police DPO, Nigerian Police, Ugboju; personels of Civil Defense; the DSS; Nigerina Vigilantee Service, Homeland defense.

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