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Man locks up his sister for 5 months because she gave birth outside wedlock



The Nigerian Security and Civil Defense Corps (NSCDC) in Gombe State at the weekend, rescued a 35-year-old woman allegedly kept in captivity by her relatives at a family house for over five months.

Saratu Ayuba of Bolari quarters in Gombe metropolis, was rescued following a tip off by neighbours, after they learnt of the inhuman condition she was subjected to.

Daily Trust reports that she was locked up in a bedroom by her elder brothers for over five months, after she was alleged to have conceived and delivered a baby girl outside wedlock.

Witnesses said Saratu was chained and locked up alongside her two-month-old daughter inside an unhygienic, single room at their family house. Saratu, who appeared visibly emaciated without proper clothing, said she was only fed with tea and bread once a day for the last five months she had been locked up in the room.

However, Saratu’s elder brother, Muhammad Tajudden, told newsmen that they locked her in the room after she was diagnosed of a mental illness.

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