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Police reveal number of girls kidnapped from Zamfara school 



Police in Zamfara State have revealed that about three-hundred and seventeen students were abducted from the Government Girls Science Secondary School Jangebe in Jangebe, Zamfara State.

In reaction to the development, the Zamfara Police Commissioner, CP Abutu Yaro said a joint search and rescue operation is already underway with a view to rescuing the 317 students kidnapped by the marauders.

CP Yaro said the Force Commander Operations Hadarin Daji, Major General Aminu Bande, Brigade Commander 1 Brigade, Nigeria Army Gusau, and other state government officials led a heavily armed Re-enforcement team to Jangebe to complement the ongoing rescue operation in the locations where the students were believed to have been whisked to.

The Commissioner while interfacing with the Principal of the school and the parents appealed to everyone to be calm as joint efforts of the police and other security agencies will surely lead to a successful rescue of the students.

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