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Chinelo: ‘I’ve been shot, pray for me’ – Last word of Kaduna train victim



When Chinelo, surname unknown, left her destination for the train station, her aim was to get to her destination and plan for the week ahead.

Unfortunately, Nigeria happened to her.

She was shot by bandits who attacked a Kaduna-Abuja train.
Few minutes after the bandits pulled the trigger and released bullets on her stomach, she managed to tweet: “I’m in the train . I have been shot please pray for me.”
Many people did not believe her.
Some saw her post as a ploy to gain followers on social media.

Few hours later, her life ended. She died. Her dreams swept away.
Pictures of her lifeless body on the train with blood gushing out of her belle flooded the social media.
Some prayed for her, others mocked her.
She is somewhere where prayers don’t matter again.




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