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Abba Moro visits survivors of Agatu road crash at Benue State University Teaching Hospital (Photos)



The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Senatorial candidate for Benue South, Comrade Abba Patrick Moro on Sunday visited survivors of the Friday’s Agatu road crash at the Benue State University Teaching Hospital Makurdi.

Comrade Abba and members of his senatorial campaign council during the visit sympathized with the 5 accident survivors as they promised to keep them in prayers and offer them necessary support for quick recovery.

The Senatorial seat hopeful who described the incident as unfortunate also went further to appeal to the accident victims that “if we could have known, we would have postponed the proposed event.

“We wouldn’t have risked putting anyone on the road. We never saw this coming coming. We will continue to put you all in our prayers and give you the necessary support till you are all well again,” he added.