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As Otukpo bleeds (Poem)



Following the renewed unjust and unlawful destruction of lives and properties in Otukpo by suspected members of different cult groups.

Miss Joy Tope Akintan, an Otukpo based Writer/Poet has pen down a heart touching poem in regards to the incessant perpetration of evil by these young men and women.

Below is an excerpt of the Poem tittled

As Otukpo bleeds

By: Joy Tope Akintan

The Town called Otupko
The heart beat of idoma land
The people of “Abole”
The ocean where many big fishes of the nation churned out
The Central of Benue state
Where her people make visitors feel at home
And they make strangers the owners of lands and properties
Their hospitality is climbing the hill
A beautiful people…

The town called Otukpo
I learnt you have a history
Do I need to go back to your history?
You seem to remain same since I know you
Your houses roofs still suffer rust and I can can count how many houses have joined you since I came..
The many companies you have allowed so far to be planted on you are countless number of hotels,
a handful of bakeries, sachets water companies..
oh yes you have schools, show me one government tertiary institution you have, sad… None!
And your church centres are increasingly intimidating.. they are everywhere!
your people are very religious and few are godly

The town called Otukpo
The people who can kill for “Okoho soap”
The people of unfading smiles and rich heritage
The good people amidst bad ones
Those who want it stand and those who can not wait for it shatter
The great grand children of “Iduh the Agabaidu”
The ones whose identity is like that of lion
They are strong at heart but weak in strength
They are enlivened in the farm and their boast is in their pockets
The hard working people!
What has happened to you?
Do you look down at your offspring?
Are you aware of the blood sucking virus that has ravaged your already backward land?

The town called Otukpo
What has gone wrong?
Why do you allow your young breeds to soak your already red sand in cold blood of your own children?
Why are your good people still working in isolation and your bad people still are in the business of destruction..?
Why do you allow Your able men struggle and your young man in the business of massacre that is ripping them of her future?
Why do your Leaders keep mute and pretend they don’t see the kanker warm that has turned your full fat – fleshed body to a dry skeletal borne?
Why are your youths with so much tools for change derive joy in spiliting their own blood?

The Idoma people!
The beautiful people of colour, honor and emblem!
Tell the next person to you that those who killed will be killed
Those who suck blood their lives will no be spared
Let the children grow to be the leaders
And let our young people drop their daggers
Let our leaders do something about this cultism!
