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Attack on Abba Moro: Blessing Onuh’s cry is needless – AMCO



The Abba Moro campaign Organization (AMCO) has reacted to a certain statement credited to Mrs Blessing Onuh, the Otukpo/Ohimini House of Representatives candidate of the All Progressive Grand Alliance (APGA).

AMCO in a statement by its Director of Media and Publicity, Ameh Comrade Azikiwe Godwin said “Our attention has been drawn to a statement credited to Blessing Onuh of the All Progressives Grand Alliance, APGA, where she accused the senatorial flag bearer of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, in Benue South, Comrade Abba Moro, of running a campaign of calumny against her person.

“We never wanted to dignify her with a response; but we had a second thought because the young lady is gradually running amuck and needed to be placed where she belongs.

“In her said statement, Blessing claimed Comrade Moro was casting aspersion on her because she’s a woman and was only scared of her track records.

“This is a case of butterfly calling itself a bird. Why would Abba Moro stoop so low to cast aspersions on Blessing, who is not even his opponent in the senatorial election?

“Why is she scared to face her opponent squarely? Even Blessing knows that the possibility of her wining the election is like passing seven pregnant camels through the eye of a needle.

“We don’t blame her because the general election has offered Blessing the opportunity to make crude statement against Comrade Moro, who is old enough to be her father.

“Well, as the elders would say, if not for the market square, the egg and yam have no connection.

“Is it not amazing that the same PDP that gave her life is now an object of caricature? It shows she’s after her personal interest and not to serve the people of Otukpo/Ohimini as she claims.

“The organization would watch how far she and her crowing gangs would go in this her new found political love.

“We want to reiterate the fact that in Idoma land, any hen that crows would be tagged a bad omen and would end up in the pot of soup.

“No child puts up a fight against her father and comes out victorious; Blessing’s case would surely not be an exception.

“If Blessing has decided to bite the fingers that fed her by declaring war on the PDP, which is being held together by her father, Senator David Mark, just because she lost the primary election, then, the looming defeat would surely pull hairs out of her nostril.

“We advise Blessing to learn how to respect elders and don’t end up incurring the wrath of alekwu K’Idoma.” He added.