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BBNaija 2020: Erica reveals nextline of action after her disqualification



Disqualified Big Brother Naija 2020 housemate, Erica has revealed her next move following her disqualification from the reality show.

IDOMA VOICE recalls that Erica, who was ousted from Big Brother House on Sunday, after breaking article 18 of the Big Brother rule, told Africa Magic that she would continue to pursue a career in the motion pictures industry globally known as Nollywood.

She further revealed that she would like to be a ambassador for numerous brands.

“The first thing I want to do is speak to my family and loved ones, I have really missed them and I need their support. Now that I am done with Big Brother, I would like to pursue my career in acting.

“I would also like to be a brand ambassador for numerous brands. I would like to go into real estate, and be an ambassador for beauty brands,” she said.