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BBNaija 2020: Erica wets HoH bed, calls Prince ‘an asshole’



There was a drama in the Big Brother Naija, BBNaija 2020 house on Sunday morning.

Trouble started when Erica confronted Prince for not taking her side while she hurled insults at Laycon.

She regretted choosing Prince as Deputy Head of House, describing him as an assh*le’.

She intentionally went to the HOH room, poured water on the bed in order for Prince not to sleep on the same bed with her.

Erica said: “I poured water on one side of the bed and Prince wouldn’t be able to sleep on it.

“I told Biggie that I don’t want to share the bed with Prince because he’s an asshole.

“Don’t dare sleep on this bed, you are two faced.”