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BBNaija 2021: I only kiss guys I want to have sex with – Angel



Big Brother Naija Housemate Angel has given us another made a shocking revelation in her conversation with fellow housemate, Jaypaul during their Jacuzzi party.


Angel revealed that she only kisses guys in the big brother house to see if they are compatible for her to f**k.


While speaking to Jaypaul, she said,


“I’m only kissing guys I want to f**k, to know if I want to f**k them”


In related news, Boma revealed to his fellow male housemates that Angel told him she takes pleasure in snatching other boyfriends.


Angel, he claims, is unconcerned about anything when it comes to a guy she likes and would do whatever it takes to have what she wants, even if that guy is already in a relationship.


During the conversation with the other housemates, Boma informed them that nothing in his life would make him take Angel seriously in the big brother house.