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BBNaija All Stars: Alex Unusual throws punches at Ike in pool [VIDEO]



In a shocking turn of events at the Big Brother Naija All Stars house, a heated altercation unfolded during Thursday night’s pool party. Housemates Alex Unusual and Ike Onyema found themselves at the center of a dramatic incident that left viewers on the edge of their seats.

The evening began innocently enough, with Alex and Ike enjoying some poolside fun together. However, things took a drastic turn when Alex suddenly unleashed a series of punches directed at Ike, catching everyone off guard.

Fellow housemates Neo Akpofure and Mercy Eke quickly stepped in to defuse the escalating situation, preventing further physical confrontation.

After the dust settled from the pool party, Alex attempted to explain her actions, claiming that she had thrown punches at Ike because he had allegedly attempted to “drown” her in the pool. Her accusation raised eyebrows and skepticism among the housemates.

Adding fuel to the fire, Ike’s estranged lover, Mercy Eke, vehemently contested Alex’s version of events, insisting that Alex was lying about the drowning incident.

Housemate Doyin chimed in, asserting that Ike had simply been trying to embrace Alex in a friendly manner, not intending any harm.

In a bid to clarify the situation and prove her point, Alex pleaded with Biggie to play the video clip of the incident, hoping that it would provide clarity and justification for her actions.