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BBNaija All Stars: Ilebaye gets double strike over fight with CeeC



BBNaija All Stars housemate Ilebaye Odiniya, simply known as Ilebaye has been issued a double strike and will remain in the house following her fight with fellow housemate Cynthia Nwadiora best known as Cee-C. 

Big Brother made this known during the show’s live eviction on Sunday. 

Recall Ilebaye and Cee-C had on Saturday, got into a verbal brawl that eventually resulted in Ilebaye pulling Cee-C’s wig, a move many thought would earn her an eviction from the house. 

Reacting to Biggie’s decision during the live eviction show, Ilebaye broke down in tears as her fellow housemates applauded Biggie’s decision.