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Benue council polls: Otukpo caucus present Alli to excos



By Dinah Ene Yusuf

The caucus of the Peoples Democratic party in Otukpo local government area today presented Chief George Alli to the local government and wards executive Councils today.

The presentation was sequel to endorsement and ratification of the candidature of Chief Alli by the caucus in several fora.

The caucus last Saturday had also presented the candidate to the State caucus at government house, Makurdi.

Speaking at the unveiling of the candidate at Otobi, Group Captain SJ Audu, Hon Egli Johnson Ahubi, Chief (Mrs) Abeje Egwa, Gabriel Olofu, amongst others said the caucus thought it necessary to present Chief Alli to the local government as well as the thirteenth wards executives of the party.

The speakers who admonishes the local government and wards executives to key into the candidature of Alli said he was unanimously endorsed as the sole candidate to fly the party’s flag in the forth coming local government polls.

According to the caucus, “George Alli remain the only and sole candidate in the forth coming local government election”.

In his remarks, Chief Alli who was visibly elated, tasked the executive members to ask contestants questions about their previous development antecedents.

“We all have our previous opportunities. Ask us to know what we have done with opportunities entrusted on us. We must be ready to tell the people what we have done to better the life of our people.

“You know what I have done. I have executed several development projects in Otukpo local government since I became Chairman. The projects are there for all of us to see”, disclosed Chief George Alli.

In their separate response, Anthony Abba, Johnson Adeh, Ejelikwu Felix Akpoga as well as Elijah Ogbe all applauded the decision of the caucus and pledge to abide by it.

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