The aftermath of the tragic bank robbery in Otukpo, Benue State continues to reveal the heartbreaking faces of victims who lost their lives during the heinous...
Governor Rev. Fr. Hyacinth Alia of Benue State has strongly condemned the recent armed robbery attacks that took place in Otukpo town, targeting several commercial banks....
Nemesis has caught up with two of the robbers behind Friday’s robbery attacks on some commercial banks in Otukpo, Benue State. IDOMA VOICE reports that some...
Emmanuel Uche Best, a young man who recently embarked on his professional journey, met a tragic end during a harrowing bank robbery incident that unfolded in...
Emmanuel Uche Best, a young man who recently embarked on his professional journey, met a tragic end during a harrowing bank robbery incident that unfolded in...
In the wake of the tragic and distressing attack on the Otukpo rubber plantation that occurred last Friday, heartfelt tributes are pouring in for the courageous...
In a heart-wrenching incident, a young police officer named Emmanuella Ankyov lost her life during a distressing attack on the Otukpo rubber plantation that transpired on...
In a heart-wrenching incident, a young police officer named Emmanuella Ankyov lost her life during a distressing attack on the Otukpo rubber plantation that transpired on...
In a harrowing account of the Otukpo bank robbery that unfolded on October 20, it has been revealed that approximately 15 lives were lost during the...