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Benue South 2019: I’m of you – Abba Moro tells Ado residents



By: Ene Yusuf

Former Minister of Interior, Comrade Abba Moro, has called on Ado people to support his candidature in the forth coming elections because he is one of them.

Comrade Moro made the call at Akpoge-Ogbilolo, APA, Ijigban, Igumale, Ekle and Ukwonyo all in Ado local government area of Benue State during the campaign rally of the local area.

According to Moro, “my elder sister Titi was married to a native of Akpoge-Ogbilolo. Her children are here. They are my children. And I am also married to an Ado woman”.

He also enjoyed the people not to insist on voting for their son or brother saying, ” sometimes, what we get in life are those things that were not given to us by our relatives”.

He promised to reverse their current situation if the people vote for him and all the PDP candidates.

In his remarks, the House of Representatives Candidate for Okpokwu/Ado/Ogbadibo federal constituency, Dr Francis Ottah Agbo called on the people to vote for him and all the PDP candidates to enable them extricate the area from the clutches of poverty and underdevelopment.

Similarly, the House of Assembly candidate for Ado local government area, Mrs Agnes Uloko who promised the people bountiful democratic dividends said she would work for the restoration of peace and development in Ado local government area.

Earlier, former council chairman of Ado local government area who was a hench man of the Social Democratic Party senatorial candidate, Chief Otse Otokpa and Mike Ojah promised to work for the victory of all the PDP candidates in the forth coming elections.

In the same guise, former Deputy Speaker of the Benue House of Assembly, Dr Stephen Onmeje, Ekpe Ogbu as well as former Board Chairman, Nigerian Television Authority, Chief Patrick Ogbu all promised to deliver PDP and all her candidates in the forth coming elections.