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BREAKING: Drunken ASP shoots Assistant Commissioner of Police over question on improper dressing



An Assistant Commissioner of in Charge of Area ‘B’ Command Headquarters, Apapa Lagos, Friday narrowly escaped death when a drunken Assistant Superintendent of Police ASP opened fire on him.

Eyewitness who gave the name of the policeman dimply as SUPOL Kayode attached to the Presidential Task Force on Apapa decongestion was sad to have flared up after the ACP approached him to question why he was not properly dressed.

According to the account, SUPOL Kayode who was decked in the traditional Police uniform however, wore bathroom slipass contrary to the recent IGP Adamu’s directive that any Policeman on duty must be properly dressed, Crime World reports.

Sources hinted further that ACOMPOL Soji was monitoring and controlling traffic buildup atop the Ijora bridge when he noticed that the ASP was not properly dressed as a public officer adding that a mild argument which ensued between the two Police officers soon degenerated into shouting match as the ASP was said to have rebuffed the Area B Commander on the ground that he was not serving under him. The ASP was said to have corked his Ak 47 rifle and fired volley of bullets directly at the senior Police officer but missed target.


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