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This is my fear – Tinubu expresses worries amid coups in African countries



President Bola Tinubu has expressed apprehension over the recent spate of political unrest and military coups in several African countries. In a statement, Tinubu emphasized the need to exhaust all diplomatic avenues before considering military intervention as a last resort. He strongly condemned any forceful overthrow of democratically elected governments, labeling such actions as “wholly unacceptable.”

Tinubu reiterated these sentiments during a meeting with the Nigeria Supreme Council of Islamic Affairs, which was led by His Eminence, Muhammad Sa’ad Abubakar III, at the State House in Abuja. The President highlighted that the option of military intervention, if necessary, had not been discarded but stressed the importance of resolving conflicts through peaceful means.

Drawing attention to the ongoing political turmoil in Gabon, Tinubu expressed concern that similar incidents could occur elsewhere on the continent, underscoring the need to prevent a domino effect of destabilizing actions. Acknowledging Nigeria’s proximity to Niger Republic, he emphasized the strong ties between the two nations and the imperative of avoiding conflict.

Tinubu cautioned against the repercussions of inaction, citing examples of devastation in Ukraine and Sudan resulting from conflicts. He urged for a measured yet firm approach, highlighting that avoiding conflict would be in the best interest of all parties involved.

Recalling Nigeria’s own transition to democratic governance under General Abdulsalami Abubakar’s leadership in 1998, Tinubu emphasized the success of the nine-month transition program. He suggested that a similar approach could be effective in Niger Republic, provided the military authorities demonstrate sincerity.

The President directed his message to the military authorities of Niger Republic, urging them to make necessary adjustments to their actions. He emphasized that positive changes could lead to a reduction in sanctions and alleviate the suffering experienced by the people of Niger.

Addressing economic concerns at home, President Tinubu assured Nigerians that ongoing reforms would lead to economic liberation and growth. He highlighted the potential benefits of these reforms, including increased opportunities, improved infrastructure, better healthcare, and enhanced education.

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