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Buhari reacts to Borno bomb blasts, reveal what will happen to perpetrators



President Muhammadu Buhari is sad over the deaths of Nigerians, via bomb blasts, at a viewing centre in Mandarari, Konduga Local Government Area of Borno State, on Sunday.

His Special Adviser ton Media and Publicity, Femi Adesina, in a statement, yesterday, said Buhari commiserated with families of victims of the bomb blasts and decried the heinous acts, and stressed that “perpetrators of evil acts have judgment awaiting them, not only from man, via the long arms of the law, but also from God Almighty.”
The president also condoled with the government and people of Borno, over the attacks.

Buhari urged security agents to sustain surveillance in all theatres of security challenges in the country, taking into consideration the unconventional methods deployed by terrorists to harm innocent and unsuspecting victims.

The president commended efforts of emergency response workers and humanitarian organisations.
He prayed that God will grant the souls of the departed eternal rest and comfort their families.