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Comedian AY gets heartfelt support after Lagos mansion fire



Nigerian comedian Ayo Makun, popularly known as ‘AY’, has been inundated with prayers, support, and encouragement from his fans on social media following the news of a fire outbreak at his Lagos mansion.

Although the cause of the fire remains unknown, it has been a source of relief to Ayo Makun’s fans that his wife and children were fortunately not in the country at the time of the incident. They are currently on vacation overseas, and their safety has brought some solace to the situation.

Ayo Makun took to his Instagram page to share a heartfelt message in response to the incident. He emphasized the importance of family and faith, stating, “Family and God – that is what’s important. Everything else comes and goes. Can’t wait to join you guys in the US in a few days.” His followers resonated deeply with his sentiment and continued flooding his post with supportive comments.

Fans expressed their concern and solidarity with Ayo Makun through comments like, “Sir, they said your home is on fire; call home,” and “They said your house is on fire.” Prominent figures also joined in expressing support, underscoring the belief in divine protection and the core values of family and faith.

The overwhelming sentiment among fans was one of relief that Ayo Makun’s family remained unharmed, and there was a shared conviction that material possessions can be replaced. Messages like, “Thank you, Jesus, the family is safe,” and “May God continue to protect you and your family. Anything lost will surely be replaced. It’s too late to fail AY,” reflected this sentiment.

Overall, fans expressed their confidence that God’s hand is on Ayo Makun’s family during this challenging time.

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