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COVDI-19: Many Nigerians will die – Former Anambra warns over lockdown extension



Elder statesman and former Governor of Anambra State, Chukwueme­ka Ezeife, has warned the federal government against extending the lockdown order, saying it would be suicidal.

According to him, many Nigerians would probably die of hunger if the lockdown persists.


Speaking with Daily Independent on Wednesday, Ezeife said that people would not accept another lockdown, stressing that the manufacturing, con­struction, banking and some essential sectors of the economy must not be locked down.


“If there should be an­other extension, Nigerians would die. The truth is that people are tired. People would die as a result of riot that is the fact. If you consid­er what has been happening across the country, Lagos and Ogun states in particu­lar, where gang robbery has become the order of the day, you will agree that a com­plete lockdown will not be advisable,” he said.