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Democracy Day: 2023 elections must never be do-or-die affair – Buhari



President Muhammadu Buhari has told all presidential candidates and others that they should never see the 2023 general elections as door-die affair.

The president spoke in a nationwide broadcast to mark June 12 Democracy Day on Sunday.

According to Buhari, “as we move into the general election campaign season, we must sustain this mature attitude to campaigning and ultimately, voting.

“We must never see it as a “do or die” affair. We must all remember democracy is about the will of the majority. There must be winners and losers.”

He commended the free and fair primaries, especially the presidential conducted by all parties and asked all candidates to continue running issue focused campaigns and to treat opponents with dignity.

“As leaders, you must all showcase high character and never forget that the world is watching us and Africa looks up to Nigeria to provide example in governance. The tone you set at the top will surely be replicated in your followers,” he said.

He noted that this would be his last Democracy Day speech as a new president would have taken over before the next celebration.

“It is important for all of us to remember that June 12th, 2023 will be exactly 30 years from the 1993 Presidential elections. In honour and memory of one of our national heroes for democracy, Chief M.K.O Abiola, GCFR, we must all work together to ensure this transition is done in a peaceful manner.

“I am hopeful that we can achieve this. The signs so far are positive. Recently, all registered political parties conducted primaries to select their candidates for the 2023 general elections.

“These primaries were peaceful and orderly. Those who won were magnanimous in their victories. Those who lost were gracious in defeat. And those aggrieved opted to seek judicial justice as opposed to jungle justice.

“I followed the party primaries closely from the state level to the Presidential level. I was very impressed to see across all the political parties that, most candidates ran issued based campaigns. The language and tone throughout were on the whole measured and controlled,” he said.

Buhari noted that another positive that came from the 2022 party primaries was the significant increase in women and youth particularly across all parties.

“I was very pleased to see this development. This augurs well for the future. These trends clearly show the level of maturity our democracy has achieved in the last 23 years.

“For the voters, I am pleased to inform you that in the last 7 years, our government across all tiers, has made significant investments to reform and enhance our electoral laws, systems, and processes to safeguard your votes.

“The Executive, Legislature and Judiciary were and still remain united and committed to ensure these reforms are fully implemented in the 2023 general elections. Fellow Nigerians, your right to choose your government will be preserved and protected,” he said.

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