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Dr. Paul Enenche at 51: How he overcame death 10 times



If his life were not important in the eyes of God, his story would have ended before he was born. When his mother bled profusely at six weeks pregnant, doctors told her she had suffered a miscarriage. But the hand of God wrought a divine intervention.

The woman bled but the pregnancy stayed––a contradiction to medical logic.
At birth, life conspired to make his entry into the world a difficult one. Imagine the agony of a woman in labour sent back home by the midwives who told her she was not yet due, only to find herself alone at the hour of birth.

Without help, she delivered her baby on the bare floor, removed the placenta and cut the umbilical cord by herself––at the risk of exposure to lethal diseases such as tetanus, diphtheria and tuberculosis. That was the circumstances of his birth.

As a one-year-old, he was afflicted with febrile convulsion, with each attack leaving him knocking on death’s door. And each time, God worked his deliverance. As a 10-year-old, a drunkard snatched him and took him to the middle of a busy road; for a few suicidal minutes, the lunatic dangled the child in an exhibition of senseless devilry while death rushed past them on speeding steels.

Anyone who still doubts that he is one of God’s “Special Ones” only has to look at the number of times he had walked through the valley of the shadow of death unscathed––ten close shaves with death; 10 times a survivor.

Indeed, he is a story of survival and triumph. And his life is a testament to the prophetic declaration of God in the Good Book––“Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations” seems to have been directed at him. (Book of Jeremiah 1: 5, NKJV).
This is the story of Dr Paul Idoko Enenche, 51, founder and senior pastor, Dunamis International Gospel Centre.

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