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Ember disaster: 20 persons escape death in Owukpa (PHOTOS)



No fewer than 20 persons miraculously escaped death in Udaburu Owukpa recently after a vehicle developed fault atop a hill in the area.
Idoma Voice gathered that the bus loaded with over 20 passengers was on its way from a child dedication in Methodist Church, Ukwo Owukpa to Udaburu when it developed fault on top of the Onyirada-Ekere hill and susmasulted severally before landing in a ditch.
An eyewitness told this reporter that all passengers came out alive but some persons sustained various degrees of injuries.
“It was a miracle. The people were going to Udaburu from Ukwo before the vehicle developed fault ontop of the Onyirada hill. The motor which occupants were mostly children got exhausted and began return backward before it sulmasulted and landed in a ditch. We are all happy because no life was lost in the incident except few persons that sustained injuries,” the eyewitness said.