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End SARS: Bauchi Governor’s daughter, Zara Bala insults Nigerian youths, calls them fools for asking her to join protest




The daughter of the Governor of Bauchi state, Zara Bala has condemned people questioning her silence on the ongoing EndSARs protest against police brutality.

In a lengthy outburst via her Instagram page, the fashion-preneur express displeasure over constant reminder and criticism on not lending a voice to the protest.

Zara, however, stated that she in fact has been doing so behind closed doors but not publicly.

“Nope! Not today! I ma not the one! Not at all. Some of you think with your asses! Please if you want to be stupid, be stupid on your own! Dont try to spread your negative energy on me! I ‘m really not the one you want to pick on,” she wrote.

“Do not message me fighting me for not posting the protest. I did, and I dont have to be post to spread awareness or to be concerned. If you have an official question to ask my father about the protest kindly dm him but I m not the one you want to drag!! Trust me! I have zero tolerance to people’s foolishness right now!”

“I have been seeing so many of you preaching unity but instead you are out here trying to bully me. So I m not posting. Some of us are fighting their own personal battles! And you guys have no idea on how I m raising a voice behind closed doors, so dont come on her and try to rub off negative vibes. Have a good day.”

Zara further shared a snapshot of a chat with a friend, who questioned her silence as the Governor’s daughter while accusing her of seating back and enjoying public funds.

In reaction, she wrote, “That is why I keep my circle very small! But people must took for you and force some sort of drama. I ma not about to let anyone add to my lemons I m already trying to squeeze! Your friends are not really your friends! Be careful guys.”

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