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End SARS protest not a religious, ethnic war -YOWICAN



The Youth Wing of the Christian Association of Nigeria (YOWICAN) has said that the recent calls for an end of the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) of the Nigerian police force ‘#EndSARS protests’ was neither based on religious nor ethnic bias.

National president of the group, Apostle Andy Nyeneime, who disclosed this while addressing journalists in Abuja, said that Nigerians needed to learn to love themselves first, to fully open to the country’s ability to love Nigeria.

He noted that #EndSARS protest was not a religious war or ethnically biased, insisting that the protest doesn’t have any colouration of religion involved.

According to him, “knowing that both the Executive and Legislative arms of government have received the thorough demands of the #EndSARS protesters and motion with respect to it had been taken in National assembly, we implore the federal government to implement those demands and accepted with a faster resolution.

“The office of the President, Youth wing, Christian Association of Nigeria, and all Nigerian youths are in full support of the #EndSARS protests demanding an end to police brutality, extortion, torture and killings of young person’s by different units of the Police Force, with special emphasis on SARS.

“Quite a number of our young people have fallen victim to the barbaric and callous manner of operations of different units of the police force. So, the outcry for an end to police brutality, and call for holistic police reforms is timely.

“We encourage young people to be part of the panels as the right way to ensure that it achieves its ultimate aim and ensure that the,process ‘s impartial,” he said.

He commended the state governments that have set up their Judicial Panels of Inquiry to work and deliver on the directives of the federal government.

He urges other religious leader not to use #EndSARS protests for religious war but to seeks for peace among Nigerians, adding that nation building is a collective task of all Nigerians, irrespective of tribe, religion or political affiliation.

He sympathize with ‘s in some parts of the country that have experienced looting and vandalism, to the families of members of the protesters, citizens and police force that have lost their lives during this process.

Nyeneime expressed worry over the issues, further said, “#EndSARS protest is not only about the end of police brutality and killings of our innocent youths and Nigerians, it has evolved as an agency of all sector reforms which Nigerian youths and all Nigerians are ceaselessly asking for good governance and demanding decent living amongst other things.

“Until the interruption buy criminals to cause mayhem, vandalism, looting, and destruction of properties and critical infrastructure; tearing down our society across the Nation leading to the eventual breakdown of law and order,” he added.

He called on President Muhamadu Buhari to quickly implement the demands of #EndSARS protesters for the interest of peace and unity of the country.