Renowned Nigerian singer, Innocent Idibia, popularly known as 2Baba, has candidly shared his emotional response to hurtful comments directed at him on social media. He openly...
Charles Chibuezechukwu, popularly known as Crayon, a Nigerian musician, has shared the story of his aspirations to become a professional footballer thwarted by corruption in Nigeria....
Nigerian singer, Damini Ogulu, aka Burna Boy, is set to drop his 7th studio album titled, ‘I Told Them.’” According to the Grammy-winning artiste, he took...
Professional wrestler and former World Wrestling Entertainment champion, Bray Wyatt is dead. Wyatt died on Thursday, the company announced at the age of 31 after battling...
Renowned entrepreneur and tech visionary Elon Musk has once again left his mark on the digital world by introducing a unique feature on Twitter. Musk’s latest...
Renowned Nollywood actress Stephanie Linus has been appointed as the new chairperson of the Nigerian Official Selection Committee (NOSC) responsible for the Best International Feature Film...
The third evicted housemate of ongoing BBNaija All Stars, Terseer Waya, popularly known as Kiddwaya, has revealed why he kissed fellow housemate Mercy Eke. In a...
In a heartfelt revelation, Alex has shown her sweet and compassionate nature by opening up to Big Brother. She admitted that she recently came to a...
In a touching gesture of affection, a devoted fan of Grammy award-winning artist WizKid has permanently etched a tribute to his late mother on his leg....