The Big Brother Naija All Stars reality TV show has welcomed a quartet of fresh faces, causing a significant upheaval within the house’s established order. The...
The Lagos State Domestic and Sexual Violence Agency (DSVA) has expressed profound disapproval towards the remarks made by Seyi Awolowo, a participant in Big Brother Naija...
Susan Waya, the mother of Big Brother Naija All Stars housemate, Kiddwaya, has celebrated her son’s eviction from the reality show. Kiddwaya was shown the exit...
The Lagos State Domestic and Sexual Violence Agency, DSVA, has strongly condemned the comments of Big Brother Naija All Stars housemate, Seyi Awolowo. Recall that Seyi...
The BBnaija jury made the decision between two housemates with the least votes, Tolani Bja and Kiddwaya. Meanwhile, popular media personality and host of the reality...
In a recent turn of events, Veteran Nollywood actor Kanayo O. Kanayo has taken the initiative to address the controversial remarks made by the singer Portable...
Once more, the dynamic environment of Biggie’s house has become the stage for a minor but noteworthy episode. Mercy Eke, a prominent reality star and a...
In the All Stars edition of BBNaija Season 8, Neo, a contestant, exhibited a compassionate gesture by assisting his fellow housemate Ilebaye with her laundry. Following...
Peter Obi, the prominent figure behind the OBIdient movement in Nigeria, has extended his heartfelt condolences to Wizkid following the passing of his mother. Obi offered...