In a recent health update, Claudette Dion, the sister of renowned singer Celine Dion, revealed that the Power Of Love singer is facing challenges following her...
In a surprising turn of events at the Big Brother Naija All Stars edition, housemate Ilebaye, popularly known as “Baddie” Soma, expressed a sudden desire to...
Tension escalated in the BBNaija All Stars house when housemate Angel announced her decision to leave the show following a heated altercation with fellow contestant Ilebaye....
Big Brother Naija All Stars housemates, Cross Okonkwo and Ilebaye Odiniya, sent shockwaves through the house as they passionately locked lips in the swimming pool during...
In an emotional moment on Thursday night, Big Brother Naija All Stars housemate, Frodd, expressed his thoughts of voluntarily exiting the reality show to be with...
The legendary Nollywood actor, Pete Edochie, recently opened up about some harrowing experiences that brought him face to face with death. In a candid conversation with...
A heated altercation took place on the BBNaija All Stars show, leaving fans perplexed and seeking answers. The fight broke out when Angel found Ilebaye peeling...
Princess, a housemate in Big Brother Naija All Stars, recently expressed her thoughts on dating within the house, stating that no male contestant meets her criteria....
During a conversation with Venita on Thursday, Big Brother Naija All Stars housemate, Cross, offered his perspective on his female colleague, Angel. Cross stated that he...