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Group urges government to create free access to contraception, family planning services in Nigeria



Government has been called upon to create an enabling environment for more females to access contraception services in Nigeria.

Dr Effiom Effiom, Country Director, Marie Stopes International made the call in Maiduguri on Thursday while speaking during the commemoration of World Contraception Day.

According to Effiom, allowing more women access to contraceptives and family planning services will reduce the number of women dying at childbirth and girls dropping out of school.

He said, “The usefulness of contraception to family planning, disease and population control is huge. So, governments need to free the barriers hindering access to contraception services and family planning for women.

“We need to see fewer girls drop out of school, and a decrease in the number of women dying at childbirth. Contraception has the power to not just transform personal lives but that of the community.

“Every woman has the right to choose her own future through family planning and if many women should have access to contraceptives, it will be of great help,” he said.

Region said, his organization, Marie Stopes Nigeria would continue to provide information that would support women and young people in making informed decision about their reproductive health.

The World Contraception Day is observed annually to draw global attention to contraception, especially young people’s need to access contraceptive and reproductive health information.

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