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I told my dad that I’d marry his mate – Regina Daniels



Nollywood actress Regina Daniels has confessed that she once told her father that she would marry a man of his age.

In a statement signed by the spokesperson for Ned Nwoko Foundation, Niyi Ifetayo, she hinted on the launch of her own celebrity magazine called Regina in February in Abuja where she will reveal top secrets about herself and marriage with businessman Ned Nwoko.

The statement reads: “The maiden edition of which is billed to roll out that day featured her exclusive interview where she confessed that she once told her dad that she will marry his mate.

“We confirmed that the magazine publication is meant to be celebrating Nigerian super divas, those female folks who have succeeded in their lives endeavours, and also to inspire the upcoming young ones.

“The focus of the magazine will be an entrepreneur, and entertainment, Nollywood reviews, politics, business among others. Notable actors, actresses and top-notch celebrities are expected at the launch.”