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KS1 Alao Malaika celebrates Eid-el-Kabir with T. Pumpy new song



The management of T. Pumpy Concept, owners of T. Pumpy Estate have felicitated with Nigerians on the occasion of this year’s Eid Kabir celebration, urging Muslim Ummah to continue to pray for the nation.

The estate developers gave this via a song on their behalf by Fuji maestro, Alhjai King Sule Alao Malaika, famously known as KS1.

The singer in the song also reminded Nigerians about the ongoing connect, buy and win promo.

“As you celebrate Eid, don’t forget T.Pumpy is offering customers and marketers of their lands and houses a Honda CrossTour, trip to Dubai, $5000 BTA and life ram.”

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