World News

Old BlackBerry phones to stop working from Tuesday

Old BlackBerry phones to stop working from Tuesday

Nostalgic for those mobile phones with a physical keyboard? Brace yourself, because as of Tuesday many models of the once-indispensable…

2 years ago

Brazilian President, Jair Bolsonaro hospitalised over blocked intestine

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro was rushed to hospital early Monday morning for treatment of a probable intestinal obstruction, local media…

2 years ago

How mother sold 5-year-old daughter to male friend for sex

35-year-old mother, Kristy Marie Siple has been charged with the murder of her 5-year-old daughter who she allegedly sold for…

2 years ago

12 crushed to death, 17 others injured in New Year’s Eve stampede at Indian Shrine

About 12 people have been crushed to death and 17 other left injured in a New Year’s Eve stampede at…

2 years ago

BREAKING: South Africa’s Archbishop Desmond Tutu is dead

Popular South Africa’s Archbishop, Nobel Peace Prize laureate and anti-apartheid veteran, Desmond Mpilo Tutu, is dead. He was aged 90.…

2 years ago

Four dead as light plane crashes into water in Australia

Four people have died following a light plane crash in waters off the Australian city of Brisbane, police said Sunday.…

2 years ago

Former Minister of Justice, Reckya Madougou in Benin Republic sentenced to 20 years imprisonment for terrorism

The Economic Crime and Terrorism Court in Benin Republic has sentenced one of its foremost opposition Leaders and former Minister…

2 years ago

Court orders former South Africa president Jacob Zuma back to jail

South Africa’s High Court ordered former President Jacob Zuma to return to jail after setting aside the decision to release…

2 years ago

89 people killed as mystery disease hits South Sudan

A World Health Organization (WHO) taskforce has been sent to South Sudan to investigate an unidentified illness which has killed…

2 years ago

Two police officers killed as explosion reportedly rocks Colombian Airport

Colombian police are investigating two explosions that occurred on Tuesday in the border city of Cucuta and killed two policemen…

2 years ago