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Latest NPower News for today Friday, 18th August 2023



Staying abreast of the most recent developments in Npower is of utmost importance for Batch C beneficiaries. This article serves as a comprehensive source of current information concerning stipend disbursements and updates within the NASIMS system.

New Leadership for NASIMS

A new chapter unfolds as Betta Edu, the incumbent Minister of Humanitarian Affairs And Poverty Alleviation, assumes the responsibility of overseeing NASIMS. Appointed by President Bola Tinubu, her role brings renewed optimism for timely Npower stipend payments.

Noteworthy Updates on Stipend Payments

Significant strides have been taken in Npower administration, heralding promising tidings for beneficiaries anticipating their stipend disbursements. Additionally, strategic measures are underway to bolster the entrepreneurial spirit among young individuals across Nigeria. The ongoing enhancement of the Nasims portal is expounded upon, including its implications for those already benefiting from the program. The prospect of commencing Npower stipend payments looms brightly on the horizon.

Addressing Backlog Stipend Payments

The impending commencement of Npower backlog stipend payments is set to ensue shortly following the confirmation of Ministerial appointments and their associated responsibilities. The newly appointed Minister for the social investment program will take charge of overseeing these essential disbursements.

NASIMS Portal Refinements Clarified

The National Social Investment Program (NASIMS) is proactively addressing concerns raised by beneficiaries regarding recent updates to the NPower portal. Diligent efforts are being made to rectify issues pertaining to stipend validation, challenges with login procedures, and more.

Key Guidelines for Beneficiaries

Biometric Validation: Await instructions from NASIMS before undertaking any biometric validation procedures. Stipends Processing: The processing of backlogs for stipends spanning from November to December 2022 is currently in progress, with robust disbursement plans in place for the period between January and July 2023. Allocation Insights: The Federal Government has earmarked a substantial sum of over N20 billion for the National Social Investment Program throughout the year 2023. New Ministerial Oversight: By the first week of August 2023, a new Minister will assume the mantle of overseeing the program.

NASIMS Profile Enhancements

Exercise Caution: During ongoing portal updates, beneficiaries are advised against making any adjustments to their NASIMS profiles. Rectifying Inaccuracies: In case of any incorrect information, beneficiaries are encouraged to reach out to NASIMS for proper guidance before proceeding with any profile updates. “Applicants” Status: Beneficiaries who find their status displayed as “Applicants” instead of “Beneficiaries” need not fret; normal portal functionality will be restored upon the conclusion of maintenance. Payroll and Tabs Update: The payroll and other tabs will undergo updates to reflect the most recent payment date.