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‘Madness taken too far’ – Youth group blows hot as herdsmen ask Benue community to leave ancestral home



The Coalition of Southern and Middle Belt Youth Leaders Assembly, COSMBYLA, the umbrella body of all the youth groups in the South East, South South, South West and Middle Belt regions, has condemned in strongest terms the three – day – ultimatum threat by Fulani Militia on Torkula community in Guma Local Government Area of Benue State.

IDOMA VOICE reports that the killer herdsmen had asked resident of Torkula to vacate their ancestral home or risk being killed.

This threat by these terrorists has sent fears down the spines of villagers who have fles their country home since

Reacting, however, the youth group described it as madness taken too far.

The statement jointly signed by its leaders, called on the relevant security agencies to act fast before it is too last.

The statement reads below.

The military deployed to the troubled Communities in the state told us that they have neutralize Gana boys in the States, why haven’t they neutralize the Fulani Militia killing people in the state on a daily basis since they started their operations. No Fulani terrorists have been arrested and prosecuted in Benue State. Does it mean that the killings and atrocities committed by those Fulani Militia is lawful while atrocities committed by Gana boys are unlawful?.

The military and other security agencies should know that Nigerians are not fools and cannot be deceived by any unusual antics. How can the military be effective only when they see Gana boys and ineffective when fulani militia kill Benue indigenes in broad daylight? These smacks of complicity and selective justice.

If the Nigerian military trained and equiped for external aggression cannot neutralize a small group of Fulani Militia operating from Nasarawa state to kill Benue indigenes, it then means that if there is an attack or war against Nigeria by another country, the invading country will override Nigeria within few hours.

Charity the say begins at home, our military must show us that the have the capacity to defend the country against external aggression as enshrined in the Nigerian constitution by first neutralizing the Fulani Militia parading as herdsmen killing Nigerians in Benue on daily basis.

Unknown to the Federal Government who thinks and believes that keeping quiet without doing something serious to stop the killings of Benue people exposes to the outside world how weak and feeble our security architecture and structures are. The unwarranted and continuous vicious attacks on Benue State will come back to hunt those who keep quiet when such atrocities were happening.

We have it on good authority that the Fulani Militia wants to conquer the Southern part of Nigeria through Benue state. The want to take over Communities on river Benue through which they will sail to the oil-rich South South states where they will hide their militias in the forest of the South South States to annihilate the good people of Niger Delta region and take over the oil-rich region in collaboration with some external forces.

The plot to sack the communities along the Benue river is to avoid a situation were the people of those Communities will see them sailing down to the South South with their Fulani militias to attack the Niger Delta people.

Injustice to one is Injustice to all, we call on all the 17 Southern States and middlebelt States to wake up from their slumber and stand in solidarity with their sister state – Benue State. This is not the time for party, tribe/ethnic or State politics, but a time to defend our ancestral lands and existence against these invaders and agents of death. It might be the turn of Benue State today, but if we fail to collectively stop these Fulani terrorists, it will be the turn of other Southern and Middle Belt States tomorrow.

The killings and massacre by this Fulani terrorists is an Islamization and Fulanization agenda to take over the entire Southern and Middle Belt regions of Nigeria. It is not about Benue state alone.

It is only a fight against this common enemy of our existence can guarantee our safety. The time to act as our brothers keeper is now and all hands must be on deck to flush out this murderous criminals from our lands.

We call on all Benue youths to gird up their loins, form a formidable and very anticulate vigilante to defend their Communities against this agents of death. The Holy Bible says in Mathew 11 : 12 ” And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence, and the violence take it by Force”. Benue youths should stop running, but stand firm to take back their ancestral homes from this invaders. Running away will not solve the problems, but it will compound it.

We call on all political leaders, illustrious sons and daughters of the State to immediately support the youths with necessary logistics to guard their communities against these agents of death. The support to the youths is a necessity and no one is exempted.

It is a natural law of nature for anyone whose life is to be taken away unlawfully to defend himself. The Tiv nation and other communities under siege by Fulani terrorists/militia should defend themselves. Self defence is lawful.

We call on the Nasarawa State Government to immediately arrest and present for onward prosecution all those Fulani terrorists parading as herdsmen living in Nasarawa State who have made it a duty to be killing innocent indigenes of Benue State. Harbouring those killers without presenting them for immediate prosecution amount to collaboration to the atrocities the are committing. Now is the time for the Governor to defend his oath of office and the Nigerian constitution which he swore to protect.

The Government of Nasarawa state should know that an attack on Benue State is a direct attack on Nigeria’s sovereignty. Harbouring criminals fighting against the corporate existence of the Nation amount to protecting terrorists who are opposed to the unity and sovereignty of the country. We are waiting for the arrest and immediate prosecution of those killer herdsmen who retire back to Nasarawa Communities after killing innocent indigenes of Benue. Enough said!)

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