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Makurdi woman wants justice for nanny impregnated at 14 by a 400L student



Vera (name has been changed), is a 14 year old Basic Four pupil of a public school in Makurdi. She is pregnant for Mike. Mike is a 400 Level student of Mechanical Engineering, JS Tarka University Makurdi.


It was on 4th September, 2021, that Vera’s aunt discovered she is pregnant. Vera did not speak when Mike abused her because of fear. Now, she is 1 month pregnant.


On the night of 4th September, while everyone was in bed, Vera left the house. She did not come until about 5:00am and when her aunt enquired, she told her that she had gone to ease herself. After series of probings, Vera dropped the bomb: That she went to see Mike so has been sleeping with her.


Pregnancy test confirmed her pregnant. Mike accepted responsibility. However, to take Vera in, he demanded for a job from Vera’s relations to enable him take care of her and the would born baby.


Vera’s uncle pretended to have accepted Mike’s terms, He however went aside and invited the Police to arrest and prosecute Mike for violating a minor. This is where Mike went sour. He thought to himself and said it before everyone around that he is not a child to be afraid to go to prison.


At the Police Station, the village head of the area a Zaki at Gaadi intervened , took the matter home for settlement. Mike’s mother invited him in.


Days have passed and Vera’s aunt is not satisfied with the intervention by the chief. Worse is that Mike now sees Vera’s aunt as an enemy.


I personally put a call to might on phone yesterday and he agreed that he is responsible for the pregnancy and the said Zaki asked the guardian of the girl to withdraw the case from the police while it was settled at home so what’s my business calling him to find out again?


She wants the law to take its full course in the matter. Her 14-year old nanny is put in the family way, bringing a close to her education pursuit while the culprit is freely going to school. It is even worse that the village head, who intervened has turned lackadaisical about it. Mike, on his part believes nothing can be done to him.


Meanwhile, Vera’s bump is steadily growing.


Vera’s aunt is requesting for help for the prosecution of Mike for putting her in the family.


This case also explains how the traditional class is meddling into cases of men abusing minors. Examples abound where they come by way of intervention, only to temper with the course of justice. It is getting out of hand.


Chiefs must be told to stay off these cases. This time again, I’ve resisted the temptation to mention a name. Maybe, just maybe, next time, we may have to name and shame them for a lesson to others.