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Mass exodus hits APC in Benue as as Gov Ortom assures new PDP members of equal treatment



Benue State Governor, Samuel Ortom has assured teeming members of the People’s Democratic Party, PDP of the possibility of the party taking over the mantle of leadership at the national level in 2023.

Ortom gave this assurance yesterday at St. Francis Primary School Aliade, Gwer East Local Government Area while receiving thousands of new members who defected from from APC, APGA, LP and others to PDP.

The governor who was represented by his Commissioner for Information and Culture, Rt. Hon Ngunan Beeka Addingi said assured the new members of equal treatment.

He further stated; “Am happy that you have seen the light, decided to abandon the darkness and work with the governor who has done very well for the people of Gwer East, continue to mobilise others as the journey ahead is longer than the one behind. We are all going to the same markets with members of the ruling party, the skyrocketing inflation doesn’t spare anyone. By the grace of God, PDP must takeover Nigeria in 2023”.

In his speech, State Chairman of the People’s Democratic Party, PDP, Sir John Ngbede thanked the defectors for abandoning the sinking ship of APC for the PDP.

Speaking while welcoming the mammoth crowd at the occasion, the Chairman of PDP in the local government, Hon Emmanuel Zungwe appreciated the guests for coming despite their tight schedules, wishing them safe journey back to their various destinations.

Responding separately but in the same vein, leaders of the new decampees and those who embraced the umbrella earlier, Engr Nathaniel Apir, Engr Rogers, Engr Peter Damkor and Elder John Asen thanked leaders of PDP for the warmed reception, promising to reciprocate the kind gestures.

They said their return to the People’s Democratic Party was due to the resilience and doggedness of Gov Samuel Ortom in standing against external aggressors who wanted to takeover the state and subjugate the people apart from the numerous appointments and projects executive in the local government.