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Meet 12 Senator who voted to protect same-sex marriage



Meet 12 Senator who voted to protect same-sex marriage

Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine)

Collins was one of three GOP senators who worked with a group of Democrats to spearhead the legislation and garner additional Republican votes.

The moderate Republican over the years has supported multiple bills supporting LGBTQ rights, including in 2004, when she voted against a proposed Constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage.

In the years since, Collins has supported the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell and was the only Republican co-sponsor on the Equality Act, a bill that bans discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity in public accommodations and facilities.

Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio)

Portman first indicated his support for same-sex marriage in 2013 after his son came out to the Ohio Republican as gay.

At the time, it made Portman the only sitting Republican senator to endorse same-sex marriage.

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