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No corona viruscase in Benue – State govt



My attention is drawn to a post by one Orlu Terngu Moses that Corona Virus has been identified by doctors at the Refugee Settlement in Kwande LGA. I want to inform everyone that the story is false and only exists in the imagination of the said Orlu Terngu Moses.

To put the records straight, Thursday 19 March 2020 the Ministry of Health in Benue met wit the UNHCR, Benue SEMA and other stakeholders about preventive measures against any Covid 19 incident.
Again on Friday 20th March 2020, Benue State Emergency Management Agency, led by the Executive Secretary Dr Shior Emmanuel, met with the State Ministry of Health to take measure to protect IDPs and Refugees in the State. The concerned authorities are on top of the situation.

No one should, therefore, panic as there is no any case of Covid 19 at the Refugee Settlement in Kwande LGA.

Thank you.
Hon. David Adzenda
SSA to the Gov on State Emergencies

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