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Nollywood actor Joseph Benjamin’s turned driver after in U.S



Nollywood Actor Joseph Benjamin’s Taxi-Driver Stint in the U.S. After Career Setback

Veteran Nollywood actor, Joseph Benjamin, has revealed how he resorted to working as a cab driver in the United States after facing career disappointments.

Benjamin recounted his unexpected transition to the taxi business in the U.S. during an episode of the King of Talks podcast, hosted by comedian Teju Babyface.

The 46-year-old actor had moved from Nigeria to the U.S. based on promises of movie opportunities that never materialized. Upon arrival, he found himself stranded when his prospective gigs fell through. He shared, “I got to America on a promise that I had some gigs waiting for me. So I thought I was going to have a soft landing there.”

Disheartened by the failed promises and with limited financial resources, Benjamin had no choice but to adapt to his new circumstances. He continued, “My life pattern then was so disorganized. I sold my cars and gave away almost all my belongings in Nigeria. How do I buy a ticket to go back to Nigeria?”

Struggling to make ends meet, he turned to driving for ride-sharing platforms like Uber and Lyft to pay his bills. Despite the challenges, Benjamin acknowledged a positive shift in his perspective, stating, “God said to me, ‘Welcome to the life that I arranged for you. I needed to break you away from your comfort zone so that I can build you.'”

Through perseverance, Benjamin eventually found his footing, connected with his church community, and even received a car from someone. This unexpected turn of events ultimately paved the way for his emergence from a challenging period in his life.


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