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Opinion: Idoma marriage and Alekwu



By Innocent Anthony

It is easy to recognize Idoma men for their irresistible charm, charisma and intelligence. Our women also celebrated for beauty and hard work. However, there is this general notion about “IDOMA MARRIAGE” that has always scared off outsiders who intend to marry Idoma men, thus, the purpose of my script is to straighten out that dominant and exergeratted narrative.

Now let’s talk about Alekwu which I believe is the basic and primary concern.
First thing you should know is that the tradition is majorly practiced in the Otukpa, Owukpa and Orokam regions of benue state, the practice though still faintly functional has long loosed its potency in other regions.
ALEKWU means spirits of the ancestors which serves as a watchdog and according to tradition has the power to punish anyone who goes contrary to the laid down morals and customs of the land.
In those days, Alekwu protects the land from diseases like small pox, cholera, communal disputes, premeditated murder, external invaders and all forms of societal ills.
It oversees and checkmates the activities of the entire household, husband, wife and children.

Alekwu oversees women and keep tabs on their infidelity. It chastises unfaithful women by causing unexplained circumstances to work against them. But it doesn’t strike them to sudden death, rather it gives them signs and several opportunities to confess their sins or infidelity, it is only when they refuse that is when death befalls them. However if a husband has knowledge of his wife’s infidelity without taking necessary actions, ie still eats her food and engage in sexual intercourse, he will take the wife’s punishment instead.
But one quality question i ask people is, why are u afraid? Are you planning to be unfaithful?

Alekwu spell oversees Men also and even though it recognizes the fact that men are born polygamous, it punishes men for defying matrimonial homes, or maltreating their wife.

In regions like Otukpa, Orokam and Owukpa, prostitution or abortion is forbidden and men who pay the abortion bills are punished by the spirit. In some parts it is believed that, the wife must explain all her activities to the husband and even giving her family money can land her into severe punishment.

Every African tribe has a deadly cultural taboo so the secret to marriage is looking beyond Love and state to actually marry a PERSON not a TRIBE.
So who do you what you marry? How is their relationship with tradition? Are they Christians or Muslims or traditionalists? What is their family like? Do your research and have a clear understanding of where you intend to spend the rest of ur life.
Because God can save you from evil but nothing can save you from IGNORANCE.

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