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Pan-African organization honours Senator Abba Moro



A Pan-African Organization, Youth Partnership For Africa’s Development (YOUPAD), today, March 17, 2020, presented LEADERSHIP PRIZE FOR EXCELLENCE AWARD to Distinguished Senator Abba Moro.

YOUPAD is an African Youth Organization that’s saddled with the responsibility of building the youth in leadership and entrepreneurship with the purpose of providing Africa with intellectually equipped youths to take the mantle of leadership so as to build the desired Africa. The organization is aiming to position youths towards the 2063 agenda, which is Africa’s blueprint and master plan for transforming the continent into the global powerhouse of the future.

The leader of the delegation and the President of the Organization, Amb. Kewul A. Suleh, from Rwanda, in his speech said, “YOUPAD is delighted to be in West Africa, to be in Nigeria, and to be in Abuja to honour a man who’s hardworking and dedicated to service; A man who’s accountable and operates 100% open door policy; A man with a selfless leadership ideology, and a man with a high administrative acumen.”

The award is in recognition of the Senator’s years of excellent service to God, Humanity and Country, and his numerous people-oriented policies which empowered and are empowering numerous youths across Nigeria.

The Distinguished Senator, in his response, said he felt greatly honoured to be recognized and appreciated for his contribution to Humanity and country. He said he was motivated and encouraged by the award to do more for humanity. His words, “I thank you for this award, it shows that whatever we do, as Leaders, there are eyes watching us. I’m motivated. I have an ideology that if we provide the best for everybody, we will all have the best, if we make people happy, we all will be happy, and if we don’t provide for tomorrow, we will definitely face the consequences. These are what guide my actions and efforts towards people; to put smiles on their faces, as my strength will carry me, and live my country better than I met it.”

He pledged his support for the Organization’s activities.

Other members of the delegation included the General Secretary, Comr. Aaron S. Majoro (from South Africa); The Director of Programs, Comr. Eveh Dominiq (From Nigeria); The Director of gender, Comr. Etongo Francine (From Ivory Coast), and Coordinator, Nigeria, Activist Nwankwo Henry (Nigeria).

Emmanuel Eche-Ofun John,
SA (New Media) to the Senator.

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